The Haldi ceremony is a pre-wedding ritual that is religiously followed all across the country and is observed a couple of days before the wedding ceremony. A couple of days before a Hindu wedding, the bride and groom each organize a Haldi ceremony (sometimes called pithi ceremony) at their respected homes. The paste serves as a cleanser for the body and soul and signifies the bride’s preparation and welcoming into adult married life. The  Haldi ceremony is the one in which a paste of haldi is applied to bride and the groom’s body before their wedding. This ceremony is held at both the bride and the groom’s place, on the morning of the wedding day. In a few cultures, this ceremony is also held a day before the wedding, after the mehendi ritual. It is known by different names in different regions, like (ubtan), (mandha), (tel baan) etc. The beautification property of haldi makes the haldi ceremony an important ritual in Indian weddings. Massaging the (ubtan) onto the skin relaxes the body and takes the mind off the tension. The yellow color of turmeric is considered very auspicious in traditions of  the Indian. The auspiciousness of this ingredient and its color ushers(“show or guide someone”) in a life of prosperity for the spouse, who are starting off their new life together. This is why in many cultures, the bride and groom wear yellow clothes on their wedding day as well. One of the reasons behind applying haldi is that the bride and groom invite peace and prosperity. In fact, many bride and grooms are asked to wear yellow on this ritual. In many customs, the bride and the groom also apply a small portion of this sacred paste on their unmarried friends and siblings. It is said that whoever gets touched by this paste will soon find a good looking partner. Important Reasons of Haldi Ceremony:
  • To keep evil eyes away:-   Most people believe that the reason for applying haldi is to ward off evil spirits from affecting the bride and the groom. This is why, the bride and groom are usually not allowed to leave their home after the haldi ceremony, until their wedding mahurat.
  • Haldi Extra Glow:- No facial make skin so so beautiful but  Haldi is known as to have properties that leave the skin fair and glowing.
  • Drive away pre wedding jitter:-     A part from its property of beautification, cleansing and detoxification, Haldi is also known to alleviate some of the nervousness that the bride and the groom feel. . So, it is a good way to relieve wedding day anxiety and jitters(feeling of nervousness). Yellow Sign of new beginning:-    As many of you might know, yellow is a color that is associated with spring, happiness and new beginnings. In the Hindu wedding rituals, yellow is the second most auspicious color after red. One of the reasons behind applying Haldi is that the bride and groom invite peace and prosperity. In fact, many bride and grooms are asked to wear yellow on this ritual.
!!…Let’s take a moment and congratulate both the spouse in this ceremony ,”May this Haldi ceremony  brighten and ease their lives”…..!!

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